About Me | Goals

Setting clear, actionable goals is a powerful way to stay focused and motivated throughout the year. This page serves as a personal roadmap for 2024, outlining the key milestones I aim to achieve. From expanding my horizons through travel to pursuing professional growth, creative expression, and personal fitness, each goal reflects my commitment to continuous improvement and living life with intention. By tracking these goals publicly, I hold myself accountable and invite others to join me on this journey of growth and discovery.

2024 Goals

Travel to 5 new countries

Secure a PM job

Fall in love

Run a 3:30 full marathon

Run a 1:40 half marathon

Publish 1 YouTube video

Publish 1 TikTok video

Publish Prototype Chris' Corner

Publish MVP Chris' Corner

Sell 100 HLR cards

Release new HLR cards

Release Worn Beta